Our Tools

Explore EC3, tallyLCA and our EPD database. 

Meet Our Tools

Building Transparency is committed to further developing its solutions, leveraging our accessible EPD and LCA databases. We will continue to provide the public with the free, open-access tools they need to decarbonize materials. This helps ensure that building industry professionals can easily access data needed to inform decision-making on their projects. Our tools include:

Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3)

A free, open-access tool and supporting EPD database that encourages low-carbon specification and procurement to meet construction project sustainability goals.

Tally Life Cycle Assessment (tallyLCA)

A whole-building life cycle assessment tool that helps quantify the environmental impact of building materials. 

Access Our EPD Database

We host the largest open-access database of digital, third-party verified EPDs. The database has a global reach, ensuring all are able to easily access product, facility, and supply chain-specific EPDs to better understand materials and their environmental impacts.

EC3 is powered by this data, helping AEC professionals understand the impact of individually procured products. Many of the industry’s other leading technology providers, including Autodesk, Bentley, Ecomedes, 2050 Materials, Tangible and cove.tool, leverage the EPD data via API.

Explore EC3

EC3 is our cornerstone tool. It provides access to thousands of digitized EPDs in a free, open-access database, allowing benchmarking assessment and reductions in embodied carbon on building projects.

Using the EC3 database, the AEC industry can reduce embodied carbon emissions and their impact on the built environment by comparing, specifying, and procuring lower-carbon materials and incentivizing manufacturers of high-impact materials like concrete and steel to decarbonize their manufacturing processes. Users can account for embodied carbon at the building and portfolio scale, with EC3’s buildling planner and project reporting features.

Choose tallyLCA

tallyLCA is the first LCA app that lets you calculate the environmental impacts of your building material selections directly in Revit®. It helps quantify the embodied carbon impact of materials for whole-building analysis and comparative analyses of design options. Users can see in real time the impact of their decisions on a project’s overall carbon footprint.

The tool is focused on empowering higher-level design and material type choices that become the critical first step toward reducing the environmental impact of buildings.

The tool is the first LCA application of its kind. It is:

Approved for LEED V4 & V4.1, ILFI Zero Carbon

A Fully Integrated Revit Application

A Robust LCA Material Database for Structure, Envelope, And Interiors (CSI Divisions 3-9)

Ability to push project data to EC3's project planner for a seamless transition to construction phase accounting and reporting